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Discover The 13 Ways To Get Paid As An Agent That Will Help You Get More Listings (Most Agents Get Paid Only ONE Way!)

I’ll uncover my family's 60-year-old playbook that’s helped agents get more listings and build multiple 7 figure+ businesses


August 9th at 10 AM PST

Are You Stuck In The Same Trap 98.7% Of Agents Fall Into?

Here's the hard truth: Most real estate agents are stuck in a one-way street. They know how to make money in just ONE way. You know the drill — shove a sign in the front yard, chuck it on the MLS, do your open houses and showings, and hope for the best.

But let's face it… these are the deals that everyone and their grandmother are competing over. It's a war zone out there, and only the fittest survive. In this cut-throat environment, you might often find yourself asking:

“There HAS to be a better way… right?”

I’m here to tell you that YES, THERE IS! 👇

Join Me On August 9th at 10 AM PST For A FREE 90-Minute Training And I’ll Show You How To Master 13 Under-The-Radar Revenue Streams That Can 10X Your Real Estate Business!

Look, I get it. We've all been there, stuck in the same monotonous loop of traditional seller deals. But here's the thing: real estate is a gold mine, and most agents are only panning in one stream. 

Over the years, I've discovered not one, not two, but FIVE different types of sellers. Each one is easier (and WAAAY more profitable) than simply sticking a sign in front of a yard. And guess what? There's more!

Every type of seller comes with a unique set of revenue streams. I’ve found 13 SECRET ways to rake in profits that most agents don't even know exist. I'm talking about strategies that could potentially 10X your real estate business, without breaking a sweat.

And now, I'm ready to pull back the curtain and share these secrets with you. Why? Because I believe in community over competition. There's enough room at the top for all of us.


Here’s A Sneak Peek At What You’ll Learn…

The 5 Types of Home Sellers (You’re Likely Only Focusing on 1 or 2)

Ever feel like you're fishing in a pond that's been picked clean? That's because you've likely been focusing on just a tiny fraction of the home sellers out there. I'll introduce you to five distinct types of sellers - and trust me, some of them will surprise you!

13 Lucrative Ways to Get Paid From Those Sellers (Most Agents Only Get Paid 1 Way)

Stop settling for that one-off commission check. I'm going to share 13 streams of revenue that make more money, and they're MUCH easier than the hustle and grind of the traditional way.

How Agents Just Like You Are Taking Advantage Of This To Dramatically Grow Their Listing Business

This isn't just theory. Real agents (including myself) have applied these secrets and seen their businesses EXPLODE as a result. I'll share their success stories and show you exactly how you can achieve the same results.

Our 100% Guarantee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur Excepteur sint occaecat.

Don’t just take my word for it…

👀 See what others have to say about us

"Understanding property entitlements has changed the way I look at my real estate business. It’s no longer just... "oh, let me meet with a seller and get their house listed on the MLS." NO! Now, I have a whole lot of tools in my toolbox to make sure they’re getting the most out of their property."

— Kelly S.

"It was really eye-opening for me. With property entitlements, it opened my eyes to new ways to structure deals. I started to look at each deal not just with the typical real estate agent hat on, but more of an entrepreneur 'what can I make happen?' hat."

— Deanna C.

"We currently manage 487 properties, 40 short-term rentals, and then we have about 60... what we call "home-watch" properties. Property entitlements are going to enhance my business because it’s a whole different perspective we can offer to our owners in terms of what they can do with their properties!" 

— Mark

August 9th at 10 AM PST

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